Ningbo Chunghing was founded on 2016.We focus on 100yen shop items in Japan.To control the quaity of our items,we purchase the items without package from factories,then assemble the items in our own factory!
Which means we inspect the items 100% by our experienced workers!In 2019,Our sales volume was $2,000,000.And our defective rate is around 0.07%.From 2020,we are looking for appropriate partners to grow up togrther!!
Our target:Competetive price and good quality items for our partners.
Our Handling Method
Step 4
:Packing workers will pack all workers’ items,he will also pay attention to the items whether the item is ok or not subsidiary.Finally factory manager will inspect the finished items in the finished item area about 5% to confirm the quality.
Step 3
:Arrange to assemble the items according to customer’s delivery date,Before packaging,factory manager will explain packaging details to workers,during packaging,team manager will inspect the items every 0.5hour -1 hour depending on item properties.Factory manager will inspect the item every 0.5hour-1 hour depending on item properties.
Step 2
:After we receive the items,Our factory manager will inspect them about 10%,if the defective rate is more than 2%,we will return all the items to our factory to rework!if the items are good,we will report to stock manger to input them to our stock system!
Step 1
:According to your request,we will choose the suitable factory from our competitive factory network.Choosing the best factory,if it is a new factory,we will go to factory to check if it is suitable.we will request factories to deliver items without packages to our own factory according delivery date.